View Finder San Francisco

The Hidden Steps
Compared to the majesty of Golden Gate Bridge, a set of steps may not sound like much. But for those who have stumbled down San Francisco’s industrious 16th Avenue and found themselves at the foot of the hidden staircase, this inconspicuous attraction provides an unexpected treat.
Beginning life as an art installation — inspired by the likes of Rio de Janeiro’s Escadaria Selaron and Italy’s Scala Santa — the project quickly grew into what might be the most outward expression of good neighbourly behaviour on record, with many people from the surrounding community chipping in to ensure its completion. As a tribute to this combined effort, it is possible to see the names of more than 200 sponsors woven into the multi-coloured tapestry that, as you ascend upwards, unveils a vivid journey from sea to sky.
A mere 163 steps later, you’ll be treated to magnificent views across the city — in addition to a well-earned rest.
View Finder Cathedral Rock
Being one of the most photographed features in the entirety of Arizona may sound like a burden, but it is one Cathedral Rock carries with the utmost gravity.
View Finder New York
Privately run as a tourist resort until it was purchased by New York State in 1906, the spellbinding Watkins Glen State Park can be reached with a short drive.